DLS Adopt a highway cleanup

DLS Adopt a Highway Cleanup 2018

This year, we held our first DLS Adopt a Highway cleanup on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Everyone involved was grateful for the opportunity to serve the community.

A beautiful day on Saturday welcomed our team, and everyone enjoyed the perfect weather. The team cleaned a one-mile stretch of Route 50 for a couple of hours. Being with friends and co-workers on such a great day was wonderful. Getting involved and giving was truly rewarding for all participants. Keeping our community clean is important to being a DLS team member. We are grateful for everyone who came out and cleaned up our road!


After the long morning, our awesome team collected six bags of trash! After our hard work, we enjoyed more team bonding in Virginia. After a bit of searching, we found a place to eat brunch together. Saturday morning was certainly one well spent! We can’t think of many things better than serving the community and spending time with lovely DLS team members.

  DLS Adopt a Highway Cleanup 2018

We hope you join us for our next DLS Adopt a Highway cleanup!

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