Have you ever wondered the difference between synchronous vs. asynchronous language eLearning? All eLearning can be divided into one of the two aforementioned categories. When it comes to language learning, DLS uses both eLearning designs.
Synchronous Learning
Synchronous, or live eLearning, is used by all of DLS’ distance learning courses. This learning model includes live, online, training led by instructors. Instructors use audio/video conferencing, instant chat, annotation, and screen sharing. The classes use a variety of multimedia, documents, and presentations in real time to promote valuable, interactive class time. Synchronous classes can include asynchronous aspects as well — this is referred to as “blended learning”.
Asynchronous Learning
Asynchronous class elements include a virtual resource library, access to professional development/workshop videos, and access to our App of the Month webinars. Students and teachers can use discussion boards to facilitate learning outside of the classroom. Teachers are able to upload materials for their courses and students are able to upload their homework to the learning management system (LMS).
DLS strives to provide the best modes of learning for its’ students and on-going technology training for its’ teachers and staff.
If you are interested in learning more about DLS eLearning, please contact Leigh Heylin, Learning Technology Specialist, at lheylin@dlsdc.com.
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