We serve government and business clients with an elite team of curriculum development subject matter experts (SMEs), target language developers, project managers, and production experts. All members of the curriculum development team have experience in instructional design and foreign language education. Our work is tailored specifically to our client’s needs. By working closely together, we ensure that the curriculum is tightly aligned with your objectives.
DLS’ range of curriculum development service includes:
DLS’ exceptional development team combined with our thorough quality control process ensures that we provide high-quality curriculum in a timely manner, every single time.
We have received glowing reviews from our clients on our curriculum development projects
DLI Post Basic Course (Pashto)
Developed a course at ILR levels 2-3 using authentic materials
DLI Weekly Training Events (Dari, Pashto, Tagalog)
Designed online self-study lessons for military and government analysts
DLI Familiarization Projects (Bengali, Dari, Farsi, Gan, Gujurati, Hebrew, Indonesian, Kashmiri, Mandarin, Pashto, Sorani, Syrian, Tausug, Thai, Tunisian)
Developed language survival kits that include basic military phrases and military vocabulary
DLI Headstart2 (Baluchi, Brazilian Portuguese, Farsi, German, Hebrew, Levantine, Mandarin, Moroccan, MSA, Pashto, Polish, Punjabi, Somali, Swahili, Uzbek)
Developed online familiarization modules for basic language acquisition
DLI Global Language Online Support System, GLOSS (Dari, French, Hebrew, Korean, Mandarin, Pashto, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish, Turkish)
Developed and revised listening and reading online self-study lessons
DLI FLC 594 Learning Objects (Dari, Pashto, Urdu)
Developed online self-study lessons
Army Special Warfare SOLT I & II (Dari, Farsi, French, Mandarin, Pashto, Russian, Urdu)
Developed two 24-week initial acquisition training courses
Naval Special Warfare (Farsi, French, Korean, MSA, Pashto, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog)
Developed performance-based, 12-week initial acquisition training courses
CLP Cultural Study Guides (Farsi, Mandarin, MSA)
Developed cultural reference material to supplement a 10-week language training program
CLP Pre & Post-Study Modules (Farsi, Mandarin, MSA, Russian)
Developed self-study modules used before and after a 10-week language training program
SCOLA (Mandarin, MSA)
Provided quality control and developed online self-paced lessons at ILR levels 3-4
DLI AFPAK Phases II, III & IV (Dari, Pashto)
Developed blended curriculum consisting of online, self-paced, and face-to-face instruction for language sustainment and enhancement
Marine Special Operations Command MARSOC (French, Indonesian, MSA, Tagalog)
Developed performance-based, 24-week initial acquisition training courses
Navy Special Forces (Cultural Training)
Provided instructional design for cross-cultural competence training
DLI Basic Courses (Italian, Somali)
Developed curriculum for full basic courses at ILR levels 0-2
Culture Ready Basics DLNSEO (Farsi, Korean, Mandarin, Moroccan, MSA, Russian)
Developed online language-based content enhanced by culture-specific notes
CultureReady Basics
Teachers and students were searching for high-level ILR language materials, but were struggling to find effective content. This issue was addressed using a content-based approach in conjunction with the Defense Language National Security Office (DLNSEO) CultureReady Basics online training modules for cross-cultural competence training.
CultureReady Basics was built by Aptima, Inc. on contract with DLNSEO, and was an easily accessible, free and effective tool for cross-cultural competence (3C) training. Using the English content in the CultureReady Basics modules, DLS created foreign language versions that bolster high-level language acquisition, and DLS produced culturally rich content in the form of culture-specific information along with notes highlighting cultural, lexical, and grammatical knowledge.
Description of Challenges
How to merge two separate worlds? CultureReady Basics needed to be infused with the language and culture of a specific region, like China or Russia, while retaining its meaning. The material had to be built with terminology, grammatical structures, and notes pertinent to a high-level learner while accounting for an intermediate-level learner trying to increase their language capacity. Additionally, a number of key terms and concepts in the English content did not exist in these other languages.
Description of the Solution
While carefully retaining the meaning, the team at DLS packed each language lesson full of sophisticated vocabulary, enhanced grammar, and notes that delve into unique insights learned from seasoned specialists. The team described unfamiliar terms and phrases in natural ways appropriate for each language. This combination created powerful and interesting language content structured to support an advanced learner. In this way, the foreign language options give high-level learners the ability to learn cross-cultural communication competencies while increasing language skills and cultural knowledge at the same time. For intermediate-level students, there is a support system built into the language and cultural notes. Students also have the option to view the content in English as needed.
A successful product that has prompted the request for more language modules. The quality of information found in these modules has received high ratings from students and there is the possibility of incorporating these modules into university curriculum. See for yourself what CultureReady Basics has to offer: http://www.cultureready.org/culture-language/culture-101/cultureready-basics

Alma Sadikaj
Registrar and Client Relations Manager
Alma Sadikaj has several years of combined experience in international development, political affairs, program management, training and coaching, human resources and recruitment, logistics and operations, education, administration, marketing, sales, and client relations. Prior to joining us, Alma worked in both the non-profit and private sectors. Her passion is travel. During those journeys, she acquires insights about how cultures and languages are linked.